Episode 10: Have Yourself a Very Scummy Christmas

Episode 10: Have Yourself a Very Scummy Christmas

Season's greetings! It's the Scummy Mummies Christmas Special, and we're full of festive cheer. Not to mention mulled wine and an astonishing amount of ham. 

Our special guest is Charlotte Forfieh, the brains behind the brilliant blog Pram On Rye. We get up to all sorts of Christmas nonsense, including mince pie tasting (Lidl vs Waitrose!), gift recommendations (nipple tassles!) and carol singing (don't worry, just the one). 

Plus: We have a bumper festive edition of Scummy Mummy Confessions. And Helen lowers the tone of the podcast to depths never before plumbed. Really. CLICK HERE to listen!

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Episode 9: Music, Miley and the Mango Jango Song

Episode 9: Music, Miley and the Mango Jango Song

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

Episode 11: Pregnant in Greggs

Episode 11: Pregnant in Greggs


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