Episode 114: Christmas 2017 with Steve Hill and Nurse Jessie

Episode 114: Christmas 2017 with Steve Hill and Nurse Jessie

Ho ho ho! It's time to welcome back two of our most available friends, good old Nurse Jessie and Steve "bah humbug" Hill!

In this Christmas special we reveal our highlights of 2017, including our favourite events, songs, food, and sex. Helen has a brand new game for us to play, and of course we enjoy the traditional Ham Review. Then it's time to round off with some festive Scummy Mummy Confessions.

As discussed in this episode, we're supporting the #freeperiods campaign to make menstruation products free for girls already on school meals. The demo kicks off on Wednesday 20 December at 4pm - meet at Parliament Square.

Other gubbins we talk about in the podcast, if you're interested, include Nomad by Alan PartridgeThe Roasting Tin by Rukmini IyerI Believe in You by Dolly Parton, and Wahaca, which just opened a new branch in Shoreditch. Our book, Scummy Mummies, is out now. We hope you like it, and if you do, we'd love an Amazon review!

Look out for Steve's book, The Card, in spring 2018, when you'll also be able to catch Ellie in the new series of Dara O Briain's Go 8 Bit on Dave.

**SEE US LIVE** Come to our live comedy show! Over the next few months we're visiting Cambridge, Norwich, Cardiff, Belfast, Masham, and more... To buy tickets, and for more dates, visit Scummymummies.com.

We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook. Please send your confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com and visit us at ScummyMummies.com. If you like the podcast, please rate, review and subscribe!

Thank you for listening!

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