Episode 16: Welsh Rare Bits. Writing Special with Laura Kemp

Episode 16: Welsh Rare Bits. Writing Special with Laura Kemp


Novelist Laura Kemp is our guest on this episode, which was recorded on location in lovely Cardiff. She talks discusses her popular books, Mums Like Us and Mums on Strike, and reveals how she balances writing, motherhood and a serious Lego habit. 

Novelist Laura Kemp is our guest on this episode, which was recorded on location in lovely Cardiff. She talks discusses her popular books, Mums Like Us and Mums on Strike, and reveals how she balances writing, motherhood and a serious Lego habit.
We all play Helen's new game, Things That Make You Go Urgh. And Ellie explains why she's not sure honesty is always the best policy. Plus there is a special cameo appearance by Ollie the dog. We round off with Scummy Mummy Confessions and announce the winners of our competition.

Download via iTunes or listen now.

Allison Pearson described Laura's first novel as "fantastically funny - debunks the myths of yummy mummydom and is a sanity saver." Her books are now available on Amazon, with the Kindle version of Mums on Strike currently £3.99.

Follow Laura on Twitter - @laurajanekemp - or Facebook.

Please do keep emailing your Scummy Confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com. We're also on Twitter - @scummymummies - and Facebook too.  

And finally, if you want to see the Scummy Mummies LIVE, why not come to our stage show? We're performing in London on 27 March and 2 April - tickets available from We Got Tickets. We'll also be at the Brighton Fringe on 10, 11 and 26 May - visit the Fringe website for more details.

Thanks for listening! 

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Scummy Mummies Podcast

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304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

304: Are phones really that bad for our kids? With Dr Dean Burnett

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