Episode 65: Music Special with Jude Rogers

Episode 65: Music Special with Jude Rogers

What is the best album of all time? Who's more fun to interview, Kylie or Justin Timberlake? What kind of salad does Bjork prefer? All these questions and more are answered in this episode, with music journalist Jude Rogers! 

We talk about Jude's career, including how she manages work with motherhood, and her new book - Pop!, a history of music for kids. There's also some serious chat as we discuss the topic of miscarriage, including Jude's experience, and what to say to a friend who's going through it. Of course it all gets a bit silly again at the end, with Scummy Mummy Confessions.
Pop! is out now and available from Amazon.
We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook. Please send your confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com and visit us at ScummyMummies.com. If you like the podcast, do tell your friends!
Thank you for listening!We talk about Jude's career, including how she manages work with motherhood, and her new book - Pop!, a history of music for kids. There's also some serious chat as we discuss the topic of miscarriage, including Jude's experience, and what to say to a friend who's going through it. Of course it all gets a bit silly again at the end, with Scummy Mummy Confessions.

Pop! is out now and available from Amazon.
We're on Twitter (@scummymummies), Instagram, and Facebook. Please send your confessions to scummymummiespodcast@gmail.com and visit us at ScummyMummies.com. If you like the podcast, do tell your friends!
Thank you for listening!

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