Greatest Hits VOL 2 - Mother Pukka, Afrosa Ahmed, Alice Evans, Dara O Briain

Greatest Hits VOL 2 - Mother Pukka, Afrosa Ahmed, Alice Evans, Dara O Briain

OLD GOLD! Let's take a trip back in time and enjoy some of our favourite bits from the archive. This selection of highlights is designed to give new listeners a taste of the Scummy Mummies Podcast, and old friends a good laugh all over again.

Greatest Hits VOL 2 features Anna Whitehouse, aka top influencer and flexible working campaigner Mother Pukka. We've got Afrosa Ahmed, who talks about being a Muslim in modern Britain, and wonders how she's supposed to stop terrorism when she can't even make her kids put their shoes on. Alice Evans talks about her experience of surviving cancer and having a mastectomy - honestly, it's funnier than it sounds. And there's some comedian called Dara O Briain, you might have seen him on the telly, he was in Have I Got News for You or something.

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